With HTI-2, the feds go all-in on interoperability
New requirements will unlock brand new workflows and open the door to previously unavailable outcomes.
Nonstop Interop is a when-the-moment-feels-right blog focused on interoperability and data integration within healthcare
Our goal is to provide educational and insightful content for technical and non-technical audiences. Please forgive any digressions, bad analogies, or shameless self-promotion.
New requirements will unlock brand new workflows and open the door to previously unavailable outcomes.
Financial incentives should be regularly in play for high-value/high-impact interoperability initiatives.
Apple's decision advances the fundamental goal of interoperability, bringing greater parity to the exchange of messages across platforms.
APIs have a place within computer science curriculum, and we can and must do a better job of introducing them at an early age.
We don't need Epic to pick the winners and losers; its customers can do that just fine when they have a robust set of choices.
The lack of webhooks is the most important reason why point-to-point interfaces will not be obsolete anytime soon.
Interoperability isn't new, but its progress has been uneven and that has led to real-life disparities, both technological and practical.
Interoperability is such a core part of our personal and national health that more should be done to get it down to a fair price.
It's time healthcare priced interoperability as a core necessity rather than a premium feature.